Our Techniques section will cover various methods, both tackle and bait wise, which can improve your skill levels and put more fish in your net. From the widely used slider (in Europe), feeder techniques, paste fishing and varies uses of the pole! We'll try to enlighten you or expand your knowledge base with these and many more not so familiar angling methods.
ROB HITCHENS A-Z of PASTE FISHING Part 1: Mixing and flavouring paste It's a fact that many anglers around the country (UK) are continually being mislead by many so-called local 'experts', when it comes to paste fishing and inparticular, mixing it. Our definitive series, from the country's finest 'Paste-meister', will challenge many of these misconceptions and plain 'daft' practices currently on offer, and leave you with a clearer understanding... READ MORE
Rob Hitchens A-Z of Paste Fishing There can't be many things in angling more basic than a lump of bread paste on the hook! However, the last 15 years has seen paste fishing develop into almost art-form status. It all started back in the mid-90's when one man took the local angling world apart with a 'Wonder Paste' and set in motion a trend that would sweep the country. He is without equal when it comes to paste fishing, and we've teamed up with him to produce a series which covers 'Just about everything you ever wanted to know about fishing paste'... READ MORE
ROB HITCHENS A-Z of PASTE FISHING Part 2: Pole Rigs Paste fishing relies very heavily on the pole, so in Part 2, Rob focusses on rigs and the components necessary to accomplish effective presentation, as well as offering some level-headed thinking on his own individual approach... READ MORE
ROB HITCHENS A-Z of PASTE FISHING Part 4: The Conker and others! It's not just using paste on the pole that can increase your catch returns, there's another side to paste fishing which, if applied correctly, could blow away the opposition, something the dynamic duo of Rob Hitchens and Perry Stone have been more than successful at in recent years... READ MORE
ROB HITCHENS A-Z of PASTE FISHING Part 3: Feeding strategies It's often said that feeding constitutes the single most important factor when fishing. While carrying a high degree of truth, it's obviously not the whole story, as many may testify. Angling methods and types of bait used, can, in reality, have a major bearing on how you set about feeding your swim, but with paste fishing that approach often takes on a different 'persona'... READ MORE
To Whip, or Not To Whip... ...THAT is the question? While the finesse of the short line pole tends to dominate much of our roach fishing during the colder months, there remains one other approach capable of challenging its dominance, but should we use it and risk being out-weighed by the more accepted method? New contributor, Rob Hewison, looks at this under-rated approach and asks the question, is it right for me? ... READ MORE
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