Stretching out in Coruche Part 2 After the first day, each team captain draws a section, for each angler, for the following day. And, Mark Addy, true to form, pulled out another half-decent draw, in fact it was a stunning draw as far as Alan Scotthorne was concerned. Having already known from the previous evenings' section-draw that he would be in E section again, the Sunday morning peg-draw by the 'Master' gave Alan peg 17... the end peg... surely nothing now could prevent him achieving a remarkable treble in individual golds. For those of you not aware, Alan already has World Individual and a World Club Individual. A gold here would add that elusive third 'gong' to his already enlarged trophy cabinet!
The remainder of the sections saw Steve Gardener on A4 (peg was 4th on day one), Will Raison on B15 (peg, 13th day one), Steve Hemingray on C1 (peg, 9th day one) and Darren Cox on D12 (peg, 12th day one). It wasn't too bad, although the concerns were for Darren, Steve H and William as these were poor areas on Saturday. Our video interview with Mark Addy on Sunday morning sounded quite encouraging but as he pointed out, both Portugal and Italy had drawn well.
Analysis – Day Two
England's Stevie Gardener starts the final day in fine form on A4.
England's Stevie Gardener starts the final day in fine form on A4.
Tamas Walter had trouble shaking off section A, as he drew there yet again... just 5 pegs away from his day one draw!
Tamas Walter had trouble shaking off section A, as he drew there yet again... just 5 pegs away from his day one draw!
The problem was he was further away from the favoured low numbers and, as expected, his peg A7 didn't supply enough fish to make the grade!
The problem was he was further away from the favoured low numbers and, as expected, his peg A7 didn't supply enough fish to make the grade!
Poor Jean Desque, like Tamas, couldn't shake off the bad-draw blues as he also drew section A again! And again it was a bad area for Jean... as the French would say... c'est la vie!!!
Poor Jean Desque, like Tamas, couldn't shake off the bad-draw blues as he also drew section A again! And again it was a bad area for Jean... as the French would say... c'est la vie!!!
Portugal's Ricardo Sousa was having a good tournament for his country, having picked up a valuable 5 points the day before.
Portugal's Ricardo Sousa was having a good tournament for his country, having picked up a valuable 5 points the day before.
his decision to switch to the pole, when the waggler proved unproductive, was 'spot-on', and he began to pick up fish throughout the rest of day. His final weight of 4.840kgs was outstanding, considering he had drawn next to Jean.
his decision to switch to the pole, when the waggler proved unproductive, was 'spot-on', and he began to pick up fish throughout the rest of day. His final weight of 4.840kgs was outstanding, considering he had drawn next to Jean.
Dutchman Arjan Klop's day proved to be every bit as bad as the previous one. His final weight of 2.195kgs was only good enough for 10th place, which was consistent with his teams overall performance... much to JVS's disappointment I would imagine!
Dutchman Arjan Klop's day proved to be every bit as bad as the previous one. His final weight of 2.195kgs was only good enough for 10th place, which was consistent with his teams overall performance... much to JVS's disappointment I would imagine!
As the match unfolded, the England team looked to be doing OK, as were the Portuguese and Italians. In A section Steve Gardener was holding his own against the Portugal's Ricardo Sousa on A16 and it became clear as we approached the final hour the both these anglers had the section between them. Even so, word was circulating that the San Marino guy, Sergio Scarponi was also doing quite well, but the final run in had Steve nearly 300gr in front of Sousa, with Scarponi a further 400gr+ behind. What was interesting in this section was that every other anglers below Steve, down to 9th place, had fished the pole seriously for some period of the match. It was also surprising to see Scarponi with nearly half the quantity of fish that Steve had, and he was only 700gr+ away!
It's two minutes after the 'off', and Will's already into a fish...
It's two minutes after the 'off', and Will's already into a fish...
unfortunately he loses it, but there was more to come as he quietly set about pulling away from everyone, including Portugal's top man Jose Calado on B12.
unfortunately he loses it, but there was more to come as he quietly set about pulling away from everyone, including Portugal's top man Jose Calado on B12.
A constant flow of fish gave Will a section winning 4.265kgs, and although it was only 500grs+ in front of Jose, the peg had only produced a mere 1.245kgs the day before!
A constant flow of fish gave Will a section winning 4.265kgs, and although it was only 500grs+ in front of Jose, the peg had only produced a mere 1.245kgs the day before!
Frenchman Pierre Louis Renault is about to net a small barbel from B7. Pierre finished with 2kgs for 8 points which looked to be an average score for his team.
Frenchman Pierre Louis Renault is about to net a small barbel from B7. Pierre finished with 2kgs for 8 points which looked to be an average score for his team.
The section B draw for William didn't at first seem to do him any favours, as the better weights had come from the other side of the small bay separating pegs B13 from B14. But with Will, nothing could stop him from producing what I would describe as the outstanding performance of the day by a England team member. Bearing in mind that his peg had only recorded 1.245kgs the previous day, his final section winning haul of 4.265kgs underlines how much his class, skill and determination sums up Drennan Team England's whole attitude, in getting the most out of poor situation... and then trying to squeeze out more! Will's final weight was with the assistance of the pole in the last 20 minutes when he added at least another 600-700grs to hold off one of Portugal's most famous anglers, Jose Calado, who had drawn the same peg as his team mate Sousa, the day before. Jose no doubt benefited from Sousa's extra advice, as he fished almost exclusively with the waggler.. and then generously supplied one of those rigs to us after the weigh in (which is shown above). So far England and Portugal were neck and neck, having each taken a section first and second, but all that was about to change!
Italy's Jacopo Falsini, always a solid performer for his team and country.
Italy's Jacopo Falsini, always a solid performer for his team and country.
He was fortunate to draw well on both days, having secured a section second in E. Today's draw would see him go one better and take the section with 4.175kgs, just 75 grams ahead of the Portugal's, Marcio Gaio.
He was fortunate to draw well on both days, having secured a section second in E. Today's draw would see him go one better and take the section with 4.175kgs, just 75 grams ahead of the Portugal's, Marcio Gaio.
His final Championship score of 3pts would normally be good enough to step onto the podium, but with two perfect scores and four 3 pointers, it was down to weight, which only placed him in 5th spot overall.
His final Championship score of 3pts would normally be good enough to step onto the podium, but with two perfect scores and four 3 pointers, it was down to weight, which only placed him in 5th spot overall.
Section C, like D, was always looking a bit suspect for England to get top points, so it was here that Italy started to make some inroads, although their poor showing in A section had effectively put paid to any overtaking manoeuvre! Always a star performer, Jacopo Falsini put in a strong finish to just overhaul Portugal's Marcio Gaio by the narrow margin of 75gr (2.5 ounces). Spain and Hungary both improved in front of Steve Hemingray to leave him in 5th place, still, not a bad result from the draw. Again, use of the pole at the right time helped Steve, as it did the Portuguese.
Looking back down the stretch from D section. As the match wore on, section D was looking like a stroll for Portugal's Goncalo Martins and Italy's Giuliano Prandi. In fact, at one stage, I witnessed Prandi cast four times and then strike each time just after the float had hit the water. Unfortunately he only managed to convert one of those bites into a net fish, but it did show at least that he was in the right area. With Martins holding the advantageous end peg, Prandi really produced a great performance from peg D11, which had only been good for 1.675kgs the previous day. Germany's Claus Muller, on the next peg, looked to be matching him at one point but obviously fell away in the later stages to finish down in 8th place.
11:47am: Italy's Giuliana Prandi manages to convert one out of four bites on peg D11...
11:47am: Italy's Giuliana Prandi manages to convert one out of four bites on peg D11...
but he must have been confident that there was more out there judging by the number of bites he was getting!
but he must have been confident that there was more out there judging by the number of bites he was getting!
Just six pegs away, at the end of D section, was Portugal's Goncalo Martins. He was looking good for high points on a peg which had produced three an a half kilo the day before.
Just six pegs away, at the end of D section, was Portugal's Goncalo Martins. He was looking good for high points on a peg which had produced three an a half kilo the day before.
England's Darren Cox was next door to Prandi and also starting to pick up fish...
England's Darren Cox was next door to Prandi and also starting to pick up fish...
like this good size barbel of around 600gr...
like this good size barbel of around 600gr...
which meant Darren had to keep the stickymag going in.
which meant Darren had to keep the stickymag going in.
Germany's Claus Muller, on the other side of Prandi, was also enjoying a good spell with these all-important bonus 500gr barbel...
Germany's Claus Muller, on the other side of Prandi, was also enjoying a good spell with these all-important bonus 500gr barbel...
and a few minutes later netted another one.
and a few minutes later netted another one.
Prandi though was catching just as quick now.
Prandi though was catching just as quick now.
But Darren was about to net a fish...
But Darren was about to net a fish...
and keep in touch with the Italian. However it wouldn't remain like that as his swim would start to fall away during the final hour.
and keep in touch with the Italian. However it wouldn't remain like that as his swim would start to fall away during the final hour.
Claus was still picking up fish, but he would also see his swim die during the last hour.
Claus was still picking up fish, but he would also see his swim die during the last hour.
Prandi continued to take fish and keep in sight of the Portuguese, although there were some big fish starting to surface elsewhere!!!
Prandi continued to take fish and keep in sight of the Portuguese, although there were some big fish starting to surface elsewhere!!!
As I looked down the section, from one of the shaded porches above, I could see Belgium's Eric De Venti on peg D9 into something decent.
As I looked down the section, from one of the shaded porches above, I could see Belgium's Eric De Venti on peg D9 into something decent.
You could always tell, from the manner in which the angler was controlling the rod, just how good the fish was.
You could always tell, from the manner in which the angler was controlling the rod, just how good the fish was.
This one looked over the kilo mark and it helped Eric to a final 7th place with 2.630kgs. But it was time to walk back to the early sections!
This one looked over the kilo mark and it helped Eric to a final 7th place with 2.630kgs. But it was time to walk back to the early sections!
Walking towards the lower D section numbers, I looked back and could see that the area I had just left was still producing action, but there was one particular piece of action that I had arrived at in the nick-of-time. Welshman Nigel Evans, on D5, looked to be playing a really good fish...
Walking towards the lower D section numbers, I looked back and could see that the area I had just left was still producing action, but there was one particular piece of action that I had arrived at in the nick-of-time. Welshman Nigel Evans, on D5, looked to be playing a really good fish...
Judging by Nigel's rod and the ease of which he was handling it, I could tell that this was definitely a good fish. This would have been good news for his manager and team.
Judging by Nigel's rod and the ease of which he was handling it, I could tell that this was definitely a good fish. This would have been good news for his manager and team.
12:36pm: As Nigel safely netted the fish, it was clear just how good it was... just short of the 2 kilo mark I would say. That fish shot the Welshman up the section and ultimately helped him to a superb 3rd place. By the time I reached the early section the final signal was about to be sounded. It was now time for the all-important catchshots!
12:36pm: As Nigel safely netted the fish, it was clear just how good it was... just short of the 2 kilo mark I would say. That fish shot the Welshman up the section and ultimately helped him to a superb 3rd place. By the time I reached the early section the final signal was about to be sounded. It was now time for the all-important catchshots!
It was a case of you either needed plenty of those bonus 500gr+ barbel, like Prandi, or a couple well over a kilo, which was precisely what Welshman Nigel Evans managed to 'snare'. These shot him up the rankings into 3rd place. That was Wales' best score on a day which was marred, somewhat, by news of their team manager Eric Humphreys taking an upside-down trip into one of Portugal's notorious road gullies. Eric remained strapped upside down in the vehicle, as it rolled over, and had to wait for the emergency services to free him. Both he and his wife Pam, where taken to the local hospital for a precautionary check-up and were later released later, under orders to take things easy. Many on the bank were constantly enquiring as to both their conditions throughout the day, and most thankful they seem to have come out of it unscathed. We are now proud to present Eric with his new nickname “Batman”.
News was constantly filtering back from E section, that Alan was at first winning it easy, then perhaps not. What did happen was that Spain's young star, Angel Perez, pushed him all the way, as he too was looking for that elusive second section win! It proved a great battle, with Alan just stealing it near the end by 160 grams. All the top three finishers fished both waggler and pole to take barbel, carrasio and the odd mullet in their 5-6+kgs nets. Disappointment came to Italy as they once more suffered at the hands of England, this time Gianluigi Sorti, who was next peg to Alan, had a couple of fish disallowed for running into Alan's line. Sorti eventually finished down in 7th place. Frances' Stephane Linder, although setting up the obligatory array of Top 4's, seemed to have grasped the need to go for the big fish on the far banks' tree-lined forest! He finished in a creditable 4th place, one of the best his country managed during the whole two days of competition.
The final signal goes and the 2010 European Championships are over until next year in Poland.The final result in section E confirmed Alan had, at last, taken the final piece of gold in the three-piece jigsaw. It also confirmed that Portugal had pulled back a deficit of two points on England and increasing it by two to take the team gold, a very commendable performance. That left England with silver. Italy slipped further behind, as did Spain with final scores of 22 and 32 points respectively. It was a creditable performance from Spain, considering their disaster in Merida and they did it the hard way by relying on the pole more than the waggler. Wales confirmed their 5th place status with another consistent performance over the two days. Belgium put a poor day one firmly behind them with an excellent comeback score of 28pts, to send them rocketing past Hungary, France and Holland. These championships were disappointing for many teams, not least of which was Jan Van Schendel's Dutch team. They must have fancied their chances after the successful campaign in Merida, and they must have left Coruche sorely disappointed I suspect.
Above left: A tense moment as Baptista looks anxiously at the scales... has he done enough? Above right: The scalesmen ask for quiet as they wait to hear the bleep that tells them the digital scales have set on a final weight for Alan Scotthorne.
The answer whether Alan has won is in his smile, as he signs the official weigh sheet record! And then it's just time for a quick celebratory bath!If a team silver and individual gold medal were not enough cake and icing for England, Will Raison's outstanding performance in securing an individual silver must certainly rank as a cherry on the top of it all. It's hard to imagine an England team without the talents of Scotthorne, Raison and Gardener, but let's remember that these internationals are just part of a 6-man strong affair and the support that Ashby, Hemingray, Cox, Shipp and Conroy bring to the table add, in no short measure, to the overall dominance of Drennan Team England. Oh yes... and don't let us forget the 'backroom' influence of the 'Dynamic Duo'... Downes and Addy!
As an Englishman, it's very difficult not to be over patriotic, when results like this seem to consistently flow forth from each passing international. But when I look around and see other nations struggling to achieve any short of effective and consistent opposition to Drennan Team England, with the notable exception of Italy, I find it difficult to understand why this is. They have all watched, video'd, photographed and discussed England for many years, yet, for political or other reasons, cannot seemingly follow their simple lead. I know all of these nations contain anglers of great technical ability, so perhaps the reasons could be 'overall' mental attitude or official interference?
I constantly hear of differences between anglers, management and Federations during my visits to these championships... why? It doesn't happen with England to my knowledge. One of the possible drawbacks for managers and their teams, is that their own Federations tend to set rules which 'tie their hands', like divisional selections! Let managers pick who they feel will get the job done, not some bureacratic system which picks out anglers who might have had a good day fishing a selection match! As far as I'm aware, this is something which doesn't occur within a 'hundred miles' of Drennan Team England. The lessons are there for all to see, so why can't they be applied more effectively?
Section A, peg2: Tamas Walter, Hungary, 2.545kg, 3pts
Section A, peg2: Tamas Walter, Hungary, 2.545kg, 3pts
Section A, p4: Jose Calado, Portugal, 2.475kg, 4pts
Section A, p4: Jose Calado, Portugal, 2.475kg, 4pts
Section A, p11: Steve Hemingray, England, 2.285kg, 6pts
Section A, p11: Steve Hemingray, England, 2.285kg, 6pts
Section B, p10: Angel Perez, Spain, 2.395kg, 1pt
Section B, p10: Angel Perez, Spain, 2.395kg, 1pt
Section B, p7: Rene Stronck, Luxembourg, 2.245kg, 2pts
Section B, p7: Rene Stronck, Luxembourg, 2.245kg, 2pts
Section B, p8: Marco Beck, Germany, 1.700kg, 9pts
Section B, p8: Marco Beck, Germany, 1.700kg, 9pts
Section B, p3: Dieter Friederichs, Holland, 1.600kg,10pts
Section B, p3: Dieter Friederichs, Holland, 1.600kg,10pts
Section B, p6: Andrew Johnstone, Wales, 1.395kg, 12pts
Section B, p6: Andrew Johnstone, Wales, 1.395kg, 12pts
Section C, p14: Giuliano Prandi, Italy, 4.825kg, 1pt
Section C, p14: Giuliano Prandi, Italy, 4.825kg, 1pt
Section C, p16: Paul Louis Lafont, France, 2.530kg, 2pts
Section C, p16: Paul Louis Lafont, France, 2.530kg, 2pts
Section C, p15: Marcio Gaio, Portugal, 2.385kg, 3pts
Section C, p15: Marcio Gaio, Portugal, 2.385kg, 3pts
Section C, p9: Peter Post, Holland,1.775kg, 5pts
Section C, p9: Peter Post, Holland,1.775kg, 5pts
Section C, p5: Claus Muller, Germany, 1.680kg, 6pts
Section C, p5: Claus Muller, Germany, 1.680kg, 6pts
Section C, p2: Sean Ashby, England, 1.485kg, 7pts
Section C, p2: Sean Ashby, England, 1.485kg, 7pts
Section C, p10: Bart Helsen, Belgium, 1.210kg, 10pts
Section C, p10: Bart Helsen, Belgium, 1.210kg, 10pts
Section D, p15: William Raison, England, 4.955kg, 1pt
Section D, p15: William Raison, England, 4.955kg, 1pt
Section D, p2: Goncalo Martins, Portugal, 3.835kg, 2pts
Section D, p2: Goncalo Martins, Portugal, 3.835kg, 2pts
Section D, p17: Darren Frost, Wales, 3.445kg, 3pts
Section D, p17: Darren Frost, Wales, 3.445kg, 3pts
Section D, p5: Stephane Linder, France, 1.835kg, 8pts
Section D, p5: Stephane Linder, France, 1.835kg, 8pts
Steve Gardener, England, 5.135kg, 1pt
Steve Gardener, England, 5.135kg, 1pt
Darren Frost, Wales, 3.040kg, 5pts
Darren Frost, Wales, 3.040kg, 5pts
Andrea Boni, Italy, 2.755kg, 8pts
Andrea Boni, Italy, 2.755kg, 8pts
William Raison, England, 4.265kg, 1pt
William Raison, England, 4.265kg, 1pt
Jose Calado, Portugal, 3.730kg, 2pts
Jose Calado, Portugal, 3.730kg, 2pts
We could not leave this photo of Jose out!
We could not leave this photo of Jose out!
Jacopo Falsini, Italy, 4.175kg, 1pt
Jacopo Falsini, Italy, 4.175kg, 1pt
Jozsef Varga, Hungary, 3.430kg, 3pts
Jozsef Varga, Hungary, 3.430kg, 3pts
Steve Hemingray, England, 2.600kg, 5pts
Steve Hemingray, England, 2.600kg, 5pts
Goncalo Martins, Portugal, 5.620kg, 1pt
Goncalo Martins, Portugal, 5.620kg, 1pt
Giuliano Prandi, Italy, 4.650kg, 2pts
Giuliano Prandi, Italy, 4.650kg, 2pts
Nigel Evans, Wales, 3.245kg, 3pts
Nigel Evans, Wales, 3.245kg, 3pts
Lasse Laukkarinen, Finland, 3.145kg, 4pts
Lasse Laukkarinen, Finland, 3.145kg, 4pts
Darren Cox, England, 2.700kg, 6pts
Darren Cox, England, 2.700kg, 6pts
Claus Muller, Germany, 2.315, 8pts
Claus Muller, Germany, 2.315, 8pts
Alan Scotthorne, England, 6.445kg, 1pt
Alan Scotthorne, England, 6.445kg, 1pt
Angel Perez, Spain, 6.285kg, 2pts
Angel Perez, Spain, 6.285kg, 2pts
AND FINALLY. We spotted the latest craze to keep fit during the weigh-in. It's called 'Paper-lifting', and it can take pounds (kilos) off you, once you stop laughing!
AND FINALLY. We spotted the latest craze to keep fit during the weigh-in. It's called 'Paper-lifting', and it can take pounds (kilos) off you, once you stop laughing!
The top three individuals on the podium.
The top three individuals on the podium.
England's two top medal winners.
England's two top medal winners.
Italy take their place on the podium.
Italy take their place on the podium.
England try to decide who can fit on the podium!
England try to decide who can fit on the podium!
FFIPS.ed President, Claudio Matteoli, congratulates England on their silver position and nearly gets more than he bargains for!
FFIPS.ed President, Claudio Matteoli, congratulates England on their silver position and nearly gets more than he bargains for!
Having just congratulated her team Italy, FIPS.ed secretary Barbara Durante is called back, as she forgot to congratulate England as well. Starting from the Darren Cox...
Having just congratulated her team Italy, FIPS.ed secretary Barbara Durante is called back, as she forgot to congratulate England as well. Starting from the Darren Cox...
she slowly makes her was through the England team...
she slowly makes her was through the England team...
as she approaches Mark Addy, you can clearly see the expectations on his face..."Mark, Mark, it's nearly my turn" he says, as he tries to contain his excitement!
as she approaches Mark Addy, you can clearly see the expectations on his face..."Mark, Mark, it's nearly my turn" he says, as he tries to contain his excitement!
Mark finally receives his reward, much to everyone's amusement!
Mark finally receives his reward, much to everyone's amusement!
Downsie, not wishing to be rude, takes one on the chin!
Downsie, not wishing to be rude, takes one on the chin!
Handshakes all round as Portugal receive their medals.
Handshakes all round as Portugal receive their medals.
I'm sure I could hear Mark Addy saying... "Jose, this is the medal you want... Let's swap"
I'm sure I could hear Mark Addy saying... "Jose, this is the medal you want... Let's swap"
All three teams try to fit into a tight area.
All three teams try to fit into a tight area.
Portugal hold their valuable prize aloft...
Portugal hold their valuable prize aloft...
and then stand proudly while they sing their national anthem.
and then stand proudly while they sing their national anthem.
We managed to quickly capture a few other teams at the end... here's Germany...
We managed to quickly capture a few other teams at the end... here's Germany...
and Poland.
and Poland.