THE END OF AN ERA? It’s been over 15 years since I first created, which I’ve mainly driven from behind the scenes, dealing with all the technical aspects that the site has thrown up. During that time it has been a privilege and pleasure to forge friendships and collaborations across Europe and beyond! Regrettably, I am now in my retirement period and feel it is time to relinquish my commitment to the site and international reporting duties. I am finding it harder to maintain the site to the standard I set in those prime years, when features flowed easily. I have also not been able to move the site forward with the times and whilst the site has made me relatively web savvy, for which I am eternally grateful, I have not found the time to adapt into this new age of social media, which is so vital for today’s mass technical communicators. Read More
Tweggy,DJ & SteveA brief trip, but what a trip! It was early November that I made a special trip to Ypres, Belgium, with dual significance. First, it was to attend the celebrations to honour the millions who gave their lives for the cause of freedom 100 years ago. Secondly, to fulfill a long standing promise and visit a special shop in the town, which I had unavoidably missed the previous year due to car trouble! Both had been on my wish-list for sometime... READ MORE
Stuart with flagIt’s not simply just a matter of turning up! Most match anglers in the UK, and to some extent abroad, have no concept of just what’s required to first enter, then compete at the highest level of angling… that of fishing a World or European Championship... READ MORE
Luc and pal!
64th World Angling Championships Brussels–Charleroi Canal, Ronquières, Belgium It’s sometimes difficult to know where to start one of these features on, but bearing in mind the time since the last international was covered, I’m happy to say this visit was immense, entirely rewarding and long overdue as the fishing proved fascinating and absorbing... READ MORE
It's Margin-al Perhaps one of the most obvious changes to match angling over the past few years has been the rise in margin fishing. Even those fisheries without an abundance of carp are now having their margins plundered for all sorts of species… tench, bream, crucians, barbel, perch, plus the odd carp or two!... READ MORE
Jan the ManHolland rise, England fall A report of the 61st World Angling Championship Now that the dust has finally settled on what proved to be a graveyard for two of the world’s most technically gifted teams, we can look back to try and analyse just where it all went wrong... READ MORE
Finely separated!A Tale of Two Teams - PART 2 We continue with our coverage of the 2014 European Championships and a final day which saw a dramatic turnround in the fortunes of two teams. With rain forecast, this final day would see many hopes of a medal dashed in what turned out to be a disappointing finalé to an intriging championship...READ MORE
2014 World Champs
The 2014 World Championships come from Croatia. Our main story is now complete on the left. We have still many pictures to upload and these will be added in gallery form over the next couple of weeks. To access the contents and diary sections, click the link below. CLICK
The 2014 World Feeder Championships in Coachford, Ireland We have no story for you but here are the complete results sheets for you to download for those of you who are interested. Saturday's results Sunday's complete results
Our congratulations go to the England team and all associated. Another Gold to show the world just how good we can be! Football, cricket, rugby and others take note!
The 2014 European Championships comes from Pommereoul, Belgium, and we shall be there from this Thursday, through to the Championship weekend. Access will be via this link from Thursday evening... CLICK
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